Our Services

Our commitment

We will be your transformation partner, providing evidence-based insights, fostering engagement and communuication, and facilitating strategic evolution. With Stillpoint Strategy, you gain a trusted ally dedicated to your organisations’ success and long-term impact.

Key values


We create value through providing purpose-driven organisations with the evidence and insight they need to achieve their mission and elevate their impact.


Relationship is at the heart of our approach, fostering open communication and stakeholder alignment with a constructive solutions focus.


We act honestly and respectfully with everyone we meet, and ensure that our findings and recommendations are based on robust, defensible evidence gained through rigorous attention to methodology.


We approach sensitive topics with care, creating spaces for meaningful conversations and planning.

What our clients say

In my role as CEO of Western Australia’s Individualised Services, we engaged Linda as an independent consultant to evaluate the outcomes of a number of grants we were managing over four years. I highly recommend Linda without reservation.
We were so pleased, and relieved to have connected with an extremely competent researcher and evaluator, who also has significant experience and knowledge of the human services sector. We valued Linda’s highly individualised and tailored approach, and her willingness to deeply understand who we were as an organisation, the importance of our work, and therefore, the importance of the evaluation. Linda was collaborative, clear, reliable and her work consistently demonstrated an exceptional level of quality. I would absolutely engage Linda for any work we may have in the future.

Leanne Pearman

CEO | Western Australia’s Individualuised Services

Sally Castle

CEO | The Liver Foundation

Linda helped my fellow directros and I to develop a strategy for our nascent NFP. Linda did an excellent job for us in a compressed timeframe, predominantly in a virtual setting. She managed the strategy development process in a highly efficient fashion and quickly helped us get to the heart of the issues. Her demeanour worked very well and I believe will help others toward success. It helped that she is also SME in our sub-industry as she was able to come up the curve very quickly. I would highly recommend!

Alan Stuart-Grant

Director | Intergeneration

Linda has led two social evaluation activities within projects I have been part of. Linda has a depth of experience and skill in social research that is hard to match. Linda seeks to deeply capture and articulate the experience of project participants. An exceptional listener, facilitator and analyst, Linda was able to work with the project team to adjust methods, tools and all elements of the evaluation to be accessible to people with disability and complex communication access needs. I would recommend Linda to anyone seeking to measure impact relating to people. It has been a joy to work alongside Linda.

Marissa Carlyon

Executive Leader | Change Maker | Human Rights